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Bear LakeBear Lake State Park boat rentals and jet ski rentals is often called the Caribbean of the Rockies for its intense turquoise-blue water.  As visitors and boaters catch their first glimpse of the lake, they marvel at its color and wonder what makes the lake so blue.  The unique color is due to the reflection of the limestone deposits suspended in the lake.  This makes for amazing water sport lesson pictures.  Enjoy the lake on your own waverunner rental, sea doo, or PWC personal watercraft rental.  At Bear Lake Invert Sports provides ski boat rentals and lake tour services for those who would like to see Bear Lake first hand.

Bear Lake is one of the hot spots for the boating season in Utah and Idaho.  Each season lends its own characteristic to the lake.  Year-round, visitors enjoy a number of recreational and cultural activities.  Experience the rush of snowmobiling in the winter with miles of terrain.  Ski at a family-owned resort or cabin.  Navigate your personal watercraft across the turquoise water. Feel the rod-bending excitement of a Bear Lake cutthroat on the end of your fishing line.  Sail off into the sunset, and explore America's past and discover the stories of the hearty souls that settled this Utah / Idaho area.

The Bear Lake Valley is a great location for a family, friend, or business retreat.  Hold your real meetings in an unreal setting.  Leave the crowds, congestion, and traffic behind to create out-door memories for your family reunion or boating vacation while enjoying clean air and a safe environment.  Take some time during your own favorite season and enjoy yourself at Bear Lake!  The best time for water sport rentals is during June - September to enjoy wakeboard lessons, wakesurf instruction, or water ski lessons. Marinas at Bear Lake include: Bear Lake Marina, Bear Lake Rendezvous Beach, and East Beach.

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