Call or Text: 888.205.7119

Sun LakesEnjoy the visitor center for everything Sun Lakes boat rentals and watercraft service company providing the best in boat tours, water sports, and rentals.  The Sun Lakes and Dry Falls State Park is a 4,025 acre camping park with 73,640 feet of freshwater shoreline at the foot of Dry Falls to enjoy all types of activities.  Dry Falls is one of the great geological wonders of North America where many visitors and outdoor enthusiast come.

Carved by Ice Age floods that long ago disappeared, the former waterfall is now a stark cliff, 400 feet high and 3.5 miles wide.  In its heyday, the waterfall was four times the size of Niagara Falls.  Today it overlooks a desert oasis filled with lakes and abundant wildlife.  Reservation on any service we offer require advance booking.

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