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Lake CushmanOfficial visitor guide to Lake Cushman boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, and lake tours on this 4,010-acre reservoir, marina and resort on the north fork of the Skokomish River in Mason County, Washington.  The lake marina and resort originally was a long narrow broadening of the Skokomish River.  As a popular retreat for hiking, water skiing, wakeboarding, wakesurfing, tubing, fishing, boating and kayaking.

Lake Cushman's shoreline is dotted with resorts and rental cabins which offer amenities, camping, and launching facilities.  The lake is notable for its beautiful crystal clear blue water and the huge round rocks surrounding it, as well as thick stands of hemlock, fir and cedar trees.  There is also a town near Lake Cushman known as Lake Cushman, Washington, or simply Cushman, Washington.

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