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Lake CamancheOfficial provider of high quality west coast and Lake Camanche boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, and boat tour services in California.  Camanche Lake is a popular destination for water sports such waverunners, boats, water skiing, wakeboarding, wake surfing, stand up paddle boarding, flyboarding, and those who want a great lake to cool off in the summer heat.  Lake Camanche is located in Ione, California a excellent place to do all types of outdoor recreation with friends, family, and business outings.  Enjoy the campsites, cottages, and motel units if your staying for an extended time.  Many shaded areas, biking, historic, and picnic sites can be found as you walk through the Camanche Recreation Area. 

Found on the shores are playgrounds, volleyball, basketball, and grassy areas to play sports; where all ages can get some exercise.  Lake Camanche has local general stores  and marina on both shores that have all the supplies you will need like bait and tackle, snacks, groceries, drinks, and other fishing and camping supplies. This lake is perfect for all our premier water sport activities and tournament watercraft rentals and tours in the great outdoors of California.

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