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Piute State ParkPiute Reservoir and State Park is open year-round for motorized towboat rentals, water sport boat tours and jet skis.  Popular activities include camping, wakeboarding, tubing, wakesurfing, boating, waterfowl hunting in season and rock hounding.  Piute Reservoir is a 3,360-acre mountain lake 12 miles south of Marysvale.  Piute Reservoir is directly accessible from Piute Reservoir State Park located near Richfield, Utah. 

Fishing is the primary activity at Piute reservoir but waterskiing, swimming, boating, jet ski rentals, water fowl hunting, picnicking, and camping are also perfect for this quiet Lake.  Piute reservoir is nice during the spring, and summer months with no difficultly of boating crowds.  This is a good lake to enjoy learning a new water sport on Utah Boat Rentals exclusive private boat charters.  Have some waverunner, sea doo, or PWC rentals delivered or pick them up from one of our location in Utah.

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