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Black Canyon ReservoirOffering the best in Black Canyon boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, and watercraft tours services at this Reservoir, near Emmett, ID and is created by Black Canyon Diversion Dam.  This 1,100-acre reservoir offers 12 miles of shoreline; boating, water skiing, wakeboarding, tubing, wakesurfing, air chair, and fishing are the major recreational activities.  Anglers fish for large mouth bass, rainbow trout, crappie, white fish, bullhead and channel catfish. 

The Black Canyon Reservoir sits amid the gently rolling prairie between Emmett and Horseshoe Bend.  This site offers restrooms, boat ramps, camping, parking, picnic tables, swimming, and accessible facilities for fishing.  There are three day-use parks located at or near Black Canyon Dam: Black Canyon Park, Wild Rose Park, and Cobblestone Park. Triangle Park offers both day-use and overnight camping.

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