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Curlew LakeOfficial provider of high quality boat and jet ski rentals at Curlew Lake which is a 921-acre park located in the glacier-carved Curlew Valley northeast of Republic, Washington and has a camping park.  It borders an air field, is eight miles from a public fossil dig and is also near an active osprey nest that can be viewed from the park.  Curlew is one of the most relaxing campgrounds in the state, offering water-and snow-sport activity as well as natural-history and archaeological study in the midst of gorgeous surroundings. 

The seven mile long lake reaches a maximum of .3 miles wide and includes four small islands which are unique to visit if you have a watercraft.  The average depth of the lake is 43 feet deep with a maximum depth of 130 feet reached in the northern area.  Curlew Lake provides visitors and residents with opportunities for kayaking, boating, fishing, swimming, water skiing, camping, hiking, canoeing, and sailing.  Public access is available at Curlew Lake State Park at the lake's south end .  Reservation for watercraft and water sports are require in advance.  You can also enjoy Black Beach Resort, Fisherman's Cove, and Tiffany's.

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