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Agency LakeInformation on Agency Lake boat rentals, jet skis, waverunners, watercraft, water sports, and tour services.  This beautiful lake is a natural located west of Chiloquin in Klamath County, Oregon.  It is actually the northern arm of Upper Klamath Lake, connected by a narrow channel.  Its primary inflow is the Wood River, while its outflow is Upper Klamath Lake.  The lake has a surface area of approximately 9,000 acres.  The lake is very shallow, and experiences high winds and Route 97 runs along the east side. 

Agency Lake Resort is located on the east side of the lake.   Fishing is a popular activity on the lake.  Six boat ramps are located on the lake and we do suggest Klamath Lake for watercraft service because of the shallow waters at Agency Lake.  There is a  Resort, located on the lake's eastern shore, features a campground with 40 campsites, marina, boat ramp, and convenience store.

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