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Vallecito LakeVallecito Lake boat rentals and watercraft tour service company near Durango, Colorado.  Many activities for all types of outdoor re-creationist including, camping, hiking, fishing, water skiing, wakeboarding, wake surfing, tubing, flyboard, and more!  The lake is set in a forested area and provides tremendous views of the Weminuche Wilderness.  Equipment and other amenities can be found outside the park in the community of Vallecito Lake or in the private marinas on the lake. 

Camping is available along the eastern shores and hiking trails abound giving access to the nearby wilderness area.  The lake and State Park offers a great getaway for pleasure boaters and jet skis.  To get here take the County Road 240 north from Durango about 14 miles to the intersection of County Road 501.  Turn left and take County Road 501 north to Vallecito Reservoir, a distance of about 4 miles.  Enjoy Mountain Marina and Anglers Wharf Marina that offer some accommodations.

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