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East LakeOffering the best in East Lake boat rentals, jet ski, waverunners, water sport charter, and tour services on the water.  This is one of the twin lakes that occupy part of the Newberry Crater or caldera in Central Oregon which a is really nice place to visit and enjoy the outdoors.  It is located in the Deschutes National Forest near the city of La Pine, OR.  East Lake's water comes from snow melt, rain fall, and hot springs only.  The average depth is 67 feet with 180 feet at the deepest point when full and covers 1,044 acres of adventures and activities for all ages.

East Lake is about 50 feet higher in elevation and is to the east of its twin, Paulina Lake about a 20 min drive.  East Lake has two main camping grounds along the lake shore as well as East Lake Resort.  The resort has cabins and a general store with minor necessities.  The lake offers fishing for brown trout and rainbow trout.  The lake is stocked with sockeye salmon and Atlantic salmon which requires a fishing licence.  Come any enjoy our watercraft services at East Lake!

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