Call or Text: 888.205.7119

Copco Lake and Irongate ReservoirEnjoy the visitor guide to Copco Lake and Irongate reservoir with watercraft rentals, boats, jet ski, and water sport tours with our company.  These beautiful reservoirs provide outdoor adventure recreation opportunities on the Klamath River at Iron Gate and Copco Reservoirs and at seven public access sites on the river upstream of Copco Reservoir in California. 

This beautiful area and facility provides river and reservoir fishing, camping, waverunners, wakeboarding, water skiing, tubing, kneeboarding and day use and boating opportunities are allowed.  The recreation facilities begin at the Iron Gate Fish Hatchery, 10 miles east of Interstate 5 and continue upstream to the state line.  Our services cover all marinas at either lake and reservation are required in advance.

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