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Lake PleasantLake Pleasant rentals offering ski boat rentals and watercraft rental is a great vacation for any family or group.  The cornerstone of State Park is the 10,000 acre, Lake Pleasant, one of the important artificial reservoirs surrounding the Phoenix metropolitan area.  Lake Pleasant is created by the Waddell Dam, which was finished in 1928, the lake originally had a surface area of 3,700 acres, and served as a private irrigation project.  The primary recreational activities offered on this lake is wakeboarding, water skiing lessons, wakesurfing, and guided boat tours and charter.  At 76 feet high and 2,160 feet long, the original Waddell Dam was, at its completion, the largest agricultural dam project in the world.  The lake was filled by the Agua Fria River, capturing a large watershed throughout Yavapai County.

Construction of the dam which began in 1973, soon diverted water from the Colorado River to the lake, converting the lake from an agricultural project into a storage reservoir for the project.  Lake Pleasant did not have enough capacity to fill this role, and construction of a new dam was authorized.  Completed in 1993, the New Waddell Dam tripled the surface area of the lake, submerging the old dam beneath its waters.  Shortly after the completion of the dam, the area experienced a prolonged drought, and while the lake grew considerably it would never reach full capacity until early 2005.   Enjoy marinas, resorts, launch ramps and nearby accommodations where we offer our watercraft service at this lake which include; Pleasant Harbor and Scorpion Bay Marina.

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