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Hyperlite water sport equipment

INVERT SPORTS only uses the latest equipment from Slingshot the premier water sport equipment company.  Our relationship with Hyperlite gets us the latest and greatest water sports equipment every year in boards and bindings.  Known as the leader in water sports equipment Slingshot is shaping the future in water recreation.  Visit our links page to see this year's equipment.

If you like what you are riding?  Purchase it from us after your done boating, or go directly to our sponsors and receive a discount by letting them know that INVERT SPORTS sent you. 

Here is a list of water toys that come standard on our boat charter services.  You can also rent this equipment if you decide to use our boat rental services.

Hyperlity Wakeboards
New Hyperlite Wakeboards
  • Slingshot Wakeboards (all sizes)

  • Slingshot Bindings (all sizes)

  • Slingshot Wake Skates

  • Slingshot Wakesurfers and Wakefoil Hover Glide

  • Boat Tubes

  • Knee Board

  • Slalom Ski

  • Double Skis

  • Life Jackets

  • Competition Slalom Ski Ropes

  • Wakeboard Rope

  • Wakesurf Rope

  • Air Chair

  • Flyboard (Water Jet Packs)

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