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Lake WenatcheeInformation and visitor center on Lake Wenatchee boat rentals and jet ski company offering all activities dealing with water sports and watercraft on the lake.  The State Park covers 489 acres with a lot of waterfront on Lake Wenatchee and the Wenatchee River.  This lake is a glacier and snow-melt fed lake situated in the Wenatchee National Forest on the eastern slopes of the Cascades Mountain Range in the U. S. State of Washington.  It is split into two parts, the North Shore and South Shore state parks, separated by the Wenatchee River.  The lake covers 2,480 acres and reaches a depth of 245 feet when full.  Our rental and boat tour services require advance reservation.

The beautiful park offers camping and a variety of fresh water activities, including fishing, water skiing, white-water kayaking, windsurfing, swimming, and facilities to launch motorboats and personal water crafts.  There are areas for rock climbing and camping.  Also, the park offers a large system of trails open to hikers and equestrian riders.  In the winter months the park is used for cross-country skiing, snow showing, dog sledding, snowmobiling, and ice climbing.  Lake Wenatchee State Airport, and Cove Resort is an unimproved grass and dirt landing strip is located nearby with other amenities and accommodations available.

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