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Mackay ReservoirEnjoy fun Mackay Reservoir boat rentals, water sports, jet skis, and watercraft tours at this lake situated in the sagebrush grasslands of central Idaho.  At Mackay Reservoir you can experience many species of wildlife throughout the year.  Mackay Reservoir Recreation area site, at the southern end of the reservoir, is an overnight and day-use facility which includes 26 family camping units, a picnic area, boat launch ramps and an RV dump station. 

This campground is becoming increasingly popular for camping, fishing, boating, and hunting.  Offering waverunners, wakeboarding, tubing, wakesurfing, water skiing, kneeboarding, and sailing at the Mackay Reservoir, 5 miles north of the city Mackay.  At the reservoir you'll find boat ramps, a campground, dump station, running water and outhouses as conveniences.   Access to the Big Lost River is available at the sportsman's access on Hwy 93, below the dam.

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