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Chatfield ReservoirOffering the best Chatfield Reservoir boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, tours, and watercraft accommodations at this lake on the South Platte River south of Littleton, Colorado.  This State Park and marina are heavily used on the weekends and major holidays with outdoor boating activities.  In addition to its primary purpose of flood control, it serves as one of many water supply reservoirs for the city of Denver, Colorado. 

The massive breastworks of the Chatfield dam measure approximately 13,136 feet in length with a maximum height of the dam of 147 feet above the streambed.  The normal depth of the lake is 47 feet at its deepest point.  The reservoir is surrounded by Chatfield State Park and resort, a recreation area with boating, hiking, water skiing, wakeboading, tubing, flyboard, waverunners, horseback riding and camping.

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