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Navajo ReservoirInformation on Navajo Reservoir boat rentals and watercraft service company at this lake in San Juan County and Rio Arriba County in northwestern New Mexico.  Portions of the reservoir extend into Archuleta County in southern Colorado.  The lake is part of the Colorado River Storage Project, which here manages the upper reaches of the San Juan River, storing and releasing water that is used locally for irrigation, or ultimately reaching the Colorado River in Utah.  The 15,600-acre lake is over 25 miles long and lies at an elevation of up to 6,085 feet which makes it a perfect reservoir to enjoy all the fun outdoor water sports like; water skiing, wakeboarding, wake surfing, jet skis, stand up paddle boards, air chair, wake skating, boat tours and so much more.

Two shoreline areas near the dam in New Mexico are part of the Navajo Reservoir State Park, featuring over 200 camping and picnic sites, and two improved boat ramps and a marina.  The river shorelines below the dam are also part of the state park.  An area in Colorado near the head of the lake is the Navajo State Recreation Area.  The reservoir is an excellent destination for camping, hiking, exploring, biking, and general boating, as well Smallmouth Bass, Black Crappie, Northern Pike, Channel Catfish, and Trout fishing.  The marinas, resorts, and launch ramps that surround the lake include; Sims Marina, Two Rivers Marina, Navajo Lake Marina, and Rosa Joint Venture.

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