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Lake LahontanOfficial guide and visitor center to Lake Lahontan rental services on the water including boats, jet ski, waverunners, tours, and water sports.  Lahontan Lake is really a reservoir on the Carson River in northwest Nevada in the United States.  Lahontan Dam creates the lake and is located between Fallon, Nevada and Carson City, Nevada.  The lake is named after ancient Lake Lahontan, which covered much of northwestern Nevada during the last ice age.  Lake Lahontan is 17 miles long and has 69 miles of shoreline great for exploring coves and canyons on a jet ski or power boat.  It consists of several lobes connected by narrow straits.

When Lahontan Lake is full, it has approximately 10,000 acres of surface area, although it is usually less than half full by late summer.  As no water rights have been allocated for recreation, the TCID could completely drain the lake to supply its irrigation customers.  Recreational uses offered by our company include fishing, water skiing, wakeboarding, tubing, pleasure boating, PWC's and camping.  As it is contaminated with mercury from the Comstock and other mines, consumption of fish from the lake should be limited as per posted guidelines.  Much of the shoreline is sandy and makes for good camping and playing.  The Carson River enters the lake at its southwestern end which is very shallow in this area.  We require that your make advance reservation for any recreation rental activities.  The Silver Springs boat launch is located near the day-use area and the Churchill Beach boat launch is at the North Shore Marina.

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