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Lake BerryessaNestled between Blue Ridge and Cedar Roughs, east of the Napa Valley, Lake Berryessa houseboat rentals official information offers year-round recreation opportunities for all boaters in mind.  Lake Berryessa's water reaches temperatures of up to 75 degrees in the summer, making it an ideal place for water sports, waverunners, watercraft rentals and wakeboarding instruction.  Anglers enjoy fishing for both cold and warm water species, such as rainbow trout, bass, catfish, crappie, and bluegill.  Lake Berryessa boat rentals, and jet ski rentals offers the perfect setting for the ultimate houseboat vacation.  Nestled between the Blue Ridge and Cedar Roughs, just 45 minutes from Napa Valley, Lake Berryessa is an ideal location for your houseboat vacation getaway.

Somewhat unique to Lake Berryessa has many opportunities to experience a variety of wildlife and plant exploration activities. The Monticello Dam area at the southeast corner of the lake is one of the best local birding areas. The best time to visit for the best birding opportunities is in the early spring and late fall during migration and nesting seasons.  The grassy hills dotted with oak and manzanita provide excellent opportunities to view eagles, hawks, songbirds, wild turkeys, and deer. Shoreline viewing opportunities may include Canada geese, pelicans, great blue herons, western grebes, wood ducks, snow geese, and common loons.  Experience the outdoors with fun water recreation activities at these marinas, launch ramps, and resorts around Lake Berryessa that we service; Pleasure Cove, Markley Cove Resort, Foothill Pines, Lupine Shores, Blue Oaks, Capell Cove Marina.

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