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Elkhead ReservoirInformation on Elkhead Reservoir boat rentals, jet ski, watercraft, and water sport tours on the watet at this 900 acre lake and state park in Colorado .   Vsitors can enjoy numerous recreational opportunities, including boating, swimming, wakeboarding, wakesurging, tubing, hiking, camping, wildlife viewing, water skiing, biking, horseback riding, hunting and fishing.  Bear's Ears campground was recently completed, offering camping at the park for the first time in several years. 

In addition, officials have been busy establishing a smallmouth bass population, some of which are transplants from the Yampa River State Park.  Anglers can expect to find a small population of largemouth bass that survived the drawdown.  The screen on the dam promises to keep non-native species from entering downriver waters.   To get here travel west from Hayden roughly 10 miles and turn north (right) onto 27.  In about 4 miles turn right onto lake entrance road and take next left to boat ramp and parking area.

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