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Klamath LakeEnjoy the fun outdoor adventures at Klamath Lake boat rentals and watercraft services for all to experience.   It is sometimes called Upper Klamath Lake which is a large, shallow freshwater lake east of the Cascade Range in south central Oregon in the United States.  The largest freshwater body in Oregon, it is approximately 20 miles long and 8 miles wide and extends northwest from the city of Klamath Falls and present a perfect location for water sport lessons, jet skis, waverunners, boat tours, hiking, and camping.  Reservations for these services are required in advance so please plan ahead.

The lake depth fluctuates due to regulation of its water supply, ranging from 9 feet to 61 feet deep at average levels.  The lake level is kept within 1261 to 1264 m above sea level to ensure life for fish in the lake and to protect salmon in the Klamath River below the lake.  The lake is fed by several streams, including the Williamson River and is drained by the Link River, which issues from the south end of the lake.  It is connected by a short channel to the smaller Agency Lake to the north which our company also services with watercraft activities.  The Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge has been established on land along the northern edge of the lake to preserve natural habitat. 

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