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Spirit LakeOffering the best in Spirit Lake boat rentals and watercraft at this beautiful lake north of Mount St. Helens in Washington State.  Our services comprise of jet skis, waverunners, sea-doo, tours, water sports, and boats.  History about the lake which was a popular tourist destination for many years until the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.  With the eruption and resulting mega tsunami, thousands of trees were torn from the surrounding hillside after lake water was displaced 800 feet up the hillside.  Lahar and pyroclastic flow deposits from the eruption then blocked the North Fork Toutle River valley at its outlet, raising the surface elevation of the lake by over 200 feet; however the lake is still deep for enjoyable camping, hiking, boating, and fishing.

The water level of Spirit Lake is maintained at about 3,406 feet by draining water through a gravity-feed tunnel completed in 1985.  The 2,500-feet -long tunnel was cut through Harrys Ridge to South Coldwater Creek. Had the lake level not been stabilized, its mud dam created by the 1980 eruption probably would have been breached, possibly causing catastrophic floods in the Toutle River.  Before the eruption there were also a number of lodges catering to visitors, including Spirit Lake Lodge and Mt. St. Helens Lodge.  Now there are newer lodges and accommodations to enjoy close by.  Enjoy the fun water sports like; wakeboarding, water skiing, tubing, wake surfing, kneeboarding, wake skating, and SUP's.

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