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Pactoia LakeInformation on Pactola Lake boat rentals and water sport services on the water at this largest reservoir in the Black Hills of South Dakota which is created by the Pactola Dam.  The lake is located on Rapid Creek in Pennington County, South Dakota.  You can enjoy all types of recreational activities operated by us including; jet ski rentals, wakeboarding, boat tours, water skiing, and other water sport lessons.  Fishing are very popular, with a walk-in fly-fishing area located on Rapid Creek below the dam.  Facilities include a marina, improved swimming beach, campgrounds and group campground on the South Shore, campgrounds and a handicapped fishing path on the North Shore, and various picnic and overlook areas.

Pactola Lake is accessible via US Highway 385 north from Hill City, South Dakota and Sheridan Lake Forks or south from Lead and Deadwood, or via the Rimrock Highway, SD Highway 44 from Rapid City, South Dakota.   Boating, fishing, camping, hiking, swimming, and other outdoor activities are popular in the summer; in wintertime, ice-fishing, ice-skating, and some cross-country skiing is popular.  The small town of Silver City is located at the upstream end of the lake; downstream on Rimrock Highway and Rapid Creek are the communities of Johnson Siding, Hisega, Upper Hisega, Placerville, and Big Bend.  Enjoy our services at all marinas, resorts and launch ramps at the lake including Pactola Pines Marina and others.

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