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Queens ReservoirInformation on Queens Reservoir boat rentals and watercraft service company offering all types of water sports and rentals.  Neeskah Reservoir, also known as Upper Queens Reservoir, is probably the reservoir in the area that receive the most use with Lower Queens reservoir being close by.  Enjoy water skiing, wakeboarding, tubing, jet skiing, waverunners, wakesurfing on this fun lake.

To get to Neeskah (Upper Queens) Reservoir, return to CR E and continue east, turning south on CR 46.5 and east again on CR C just before the lake.  Check the grove to the north of this access point.  You can also follow the road south from here around towards the south end of the lake, which also has a grove worth checking.  Following this road east to a T intersection and then turning south will put you in position to scan Lower Queens Reservoir.

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