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Keyhole ReservoirOffering the best information on Keyhole Reservoir boat rentals, watercraft, jet skis, and tours at this amazing State Park which is between Sundance and Moorcroft on the edge of the Black Hills in Wyoming.  It is within sight of Devils Tower a well know land mark.  The reservoir offers excellent fishing for walleye, catfish, small mouth bass and northern pike.  The reservoir offers a variety of fishing and water sports opportunities in addition to camping, picnicking, hiking, biking and bird-watching. 

For easy access, a road leads to Keyhole State Park eight miles from Interstate 90.  The reservoir has over 9,000 surface acres and 53 miles of shoreline to enjoy some of the best wakeboarding, water skiing, tubing, waverunners, wakesufing, and lake tours.  Public use area, camping, picnic areas, trailer dump station, concession, snowmobiles, swimming, boating, hiking, and fishing.  Park marina, launch ramps, and watercraft services and fishing open all seasons, but we recommend you confirm by calling the state park.

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