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San Vicente ReservoirSan Vicente Reservoir boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, and watercraft tour services at this lake created by the San Vicente Dam in the Cleveland National Forest of San Diego County, California.  This reservoir is approximately 7 km north of Lakeside off of California State Route 67 in the Laguna Mountains.  The reservoir is formed by damming the waters of San Vicente Creek, and the Colorado River via the First San Diego Aqueduct branch of the Colorado River Aqueduct from Lake Havasu. 

As the San Vicente Dam and marina is currently being raised, the reservoir has been closed off for recreational uses until the period between 2014-2017 when it reaches new levels at that time we will continue to offer luxury MasterCraft boats, waverunners, water skiing, wakeboarding, tubing, wakesurfing, paddle boarding, and more!  By raising the dam this will more than double the reservoir's current water capacity and surface area.

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