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Visitor guide to companies who offer Maine boat rentals, jet skis, ATV, fishing, RV, and outdoor adventure tour services in the state.  Maine is located in the New England region of the northeastern United States, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and south, New Hampshire to the west, and the Canadian provinces of Quebec to the northwest and New Brunswick to the northeast.  Maine is both the northernmost and easternmost portion of New England.  It is known for its scenery, camping, hiking, walking, motor sports, rocky coastline, rolling mountains, forested interior, hunting, ocean views and picturesque waterways.

Some notable lakes are; Moosehead Lake which is the largest lake wholly in New England, as Lake Champlain is located between Vermont, New York, and Quebec.  A number of other Maine lakes, such as South Twin Lake, are described by Thoreau.  Mount Katahdin is both the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail, which extends southerly to Springer Mountain, Georgia, and the southern terminus of the new International Appalachian Trail which, when complete, will run to Belle Isle, Newfoundland and Labrador.  All these beautiful boating destinations are nice for all types of water sport enthusiast.

Maine Boat RentalsMaine has several unique geographical features which create fun outdoor activities for the entire family.  Machias Seal Island and North Rock, off its easternmost point, are claimed by both the United States and Canada and are within one of four areas between the two countries whose sovereignty is still in dispute, but it is the only one of the disputed areas containing land.  Also in this easternmost area is the Old Sow, the largest tidal whirlpool in the Western Hemisphere.  Maine has almost 230 miles of coastline with West Quoddy Head is the easternmost piece of land.  Along the famous rock-bound coast of Maine are lighthouses, beaches, fishing villages, trails, and thousands of offshore islands, including the Isles of Shoals, which straddle the New Hampshire border.  There are jagged rocks and cliffs and many bays and inlets. Inland are lakes, rivers, forests, and mountains.

Invert Sports does not have a location in Maine as of now; but does offer transportation services to an elite clientele in the state who want the best watercraft services available.  We currently offer advertising on this web page to all other types of rental and tour companies who are located in the state.  Check out the opportunities of a contract franchise.

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