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Walker LakeOfficial provider and visitor guide to Walker Lake boat rentals, jet skis, tours, and water sport lessons on the lake.  Information about the lake which is a natural lake and marina about 50 miles in area, in the Great Basin in western Nevada in the United States.  It is 18 miles long and 7 miles wide creating a recreation dream vacation for all group sizes and ages.  Walker Lake is located in northwestern Mineral County along the eastern side of the Wassuk Range, approximately 75 miles southeast of Reno, NV.  The lake is fed from the north by the Walker River and has no natural outlet except absorption, human use, and evaporation.  The lake-bed is a remnant of prehistoric Lake Lahontan that covered much of northwestern Nevada during the ice age.

Walker Lake is the namesake of the geological trough in which it sits, and which extends from Oregon to Death Valley and beyond, the Walker Lane.  Extensive use of the water of the Walker River and its tributaries for irrigation since the late 19th century has resulted in a severe drop in the level of the lake.  As of 2004 the salt concentration is above the lethal limit for most of the native fish species throughout much of the lake, and the survival of the Lahontan cutthroat trout in the lake will be threatened if inflow is not drastically increased; so fishing is not excellent at the lake.  Our watercraft rentals services are offered at all marinas and launch ramps and we require that you reserve your equipment in advance.

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