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Lake Don PedroInformation on Lake Don Pedro boat rentals and this beautiful housboating vacation lake in California, east of Modesto and approximately 2 hours southeast of Sacramento. Because of its large size and over 160 miles of shoreline, Lake Don Pedro is rated as one of California's best recreational lakes with hundreds of hidden coves and inlets to enjoy and getaway from other boater so you can improve at wakeboarding, wakesurfing, or waterskiing.  You can enjoy this lake from a houseboat rental, cabin, or camping site.

Whether your idea of a boating vacation is speeding on jet ski rentals, enjoying colleges, or getting a summer vacation in with the family, Lake Don Pedro is one of the most perfect lakes in California for any occasion including houseboat rentals.  There's plenty of water to enjoy your favorite water sports - wake boarding, windsurfing, boat rentals, sailing or waverunner rentals; and for the adventurer, you can explore countless coves. 

There's even a swimming lagoon next to the marina that's open all summer - it's a two-acre body of water complete with a sandy beach and a convenient snack bar.  This lake has everything you will need including last minute grocery shopping, RV camping spots, and eating facilities by the lake.  Experiance the best water activities and watercraft recreation at these marinas, launch ramps, and resorts around Lake Don Pedro; Mocassin Point Marina, Blue Oaks, Fleming Meadow, Lake Don Pedro Marina.

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