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Hungry Horse ReservoirYour source for Hungry Horse Reservoir boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, lake tours, and charters while visiting this reservoir on the South Fork of the Flathead River, 15 miles south of the west entrance to Glacier National Park and 20 miles northeast of Kalispell, Montana.  Your can enjoy the visitor center which offers free tours of the Hungry Horse Dam.  Hungry Horse Reservoir is located high in the Rocky Mountains, less than 30 miles from the Continental Divide and is surrounded by more than 25 mountain peaks making this lake one of the beautiful spots in the state. 

The reservoir is about 34 miles long and 23,800 acres and offers excellent opportunities for fishing, wakeboarding, tubing, wakesurfing, boating, water skiing, camping, hiking, and swimming.  Available fish species are cutthroat trout, bull trout, and whitefish. The surrounding mountains are popular big game hunting areas and several of the small tributaries have their headwaters in nearby alpine lakes.

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