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San Luis ReservoirVisitor guide to San Luis Reservoir boat and jet ski rental company and lake tour services for the lake.  Information on San Luis Reservoir which is an off-stream artificial lake in the eastern slopes of the Diablo Range of Merced County, California, approximately 12 miles west of Los Banos on State Route 152, which crosses Pacheco Pass and runs along its north shore.  The reservoir stores water which is diverted from the San Joaquin-Sacramento River Delta.  The reservoir is approximately nine miles long from north to south at its longest point, and five miles wide when the lake is at full capacity.  This make for a great spot for waverunners, water skiing, wakeboarding, tubing, and other watercraft rentals.  Water conditions are generally great during the morning to early afternoon hours.

San Luis was completed in 1967 and is a joint use facility, being a part of both the California State Water Project and Central Valley Project, which together form a network of reservoirs, dams, and pumping stations.  The San Luis Reservoir is located in Merced County, CA and has a visitor center located at the Romero Outlook where visitors can learn more about the dam and reservoir.  San Luis Reservoir is part of the larger San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area in California and therefore offers many recreational opportunities for fisherman, boaters, and campers.  Due to the reservoir's water being imported from the Sacramento River Delta, San Luis shares many of its fish species with that area, including largemouth bass, striped bass, crappie, bluegill, shad, yellow perch, and occasional sturgeon and salmon.  Reserve you watercraft rentals or charter boat services today!

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