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Wildhorse ReservoirInformation on Wild Horse boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, and boat tour services at this State Recreation Area and reservoir located in Nevada.  The 120-acre water recreation area is an excellent focal point for water skiing, wakeboarding, wakesurfing, tubing, waverunners and more.  Visitors can also enjoy camping, picnicking, hunting, fishing and boating.  The park is located 67 miles north of Elko on State Route 225. 

In 1937, Wild Horse Reservoir was constructed covering what was once Owyhee Meadows.  The reservoir was named after the wild horses that roamed abundantly in the area.  Ranching has restricted the horses' movement, but they can still be found on the Owyhee Desert west of Wild Horse.  When full, the reservoir has a surface area of 2,830 acres and fishing is a popular activity at Wild Horse with abundant german brown trout, small mouth bass, wiper, yellow perch, and catfish.

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