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Taylor ReservoirOffering the best in Taylor Reservoir boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, and boat tours on the water at this body of water created by the Taylor Park Dam, which dams the Taylor River of Colorado.  Located about 35 miles northeast of Gunnison this lake creates a nice area for water skiing, wakeboarding, tubing, jet skis, and wakesurfing with family and friends. 

Available fish species in the reservoir include rainbow, brown, and cutthroat trout, mackinaw, kokanee, northern pike, and brook trout.  The summit of Cottonwood Pass lies a few miles east of the reservoir and can be accessed via Gunnison County Road 209 which is a dirt road creating it more difficult to get to during the summer months.  Servicing watercraft rentals at all marinas including; Taylor Park marina and others.

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