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Kachess LakeVisitor information on Kachess Lake boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, and boat tour at this reservoir along the course of the Kachess River in Washington state.  The upper part of the lake, north of a narrows, is called Little Kachess Lake.  Kachess Lake is the middle of the three large lakes north of Interstate 90 and the Yakima River in the Cascade Range, the other two being Keechelus Lake and Cle Elum Lake. 

Kachess Lake is part of the Columbia River basin, the Kachess River being a tributary of the Yakima River, which is tributary to the Columbia River.  This lake allow for recreation activities like; boating, water skiing, tubing, wakesurfing, kneeboarding, wakeboarding and more!  The lake is used as a storage reservoir for the Yakima Project, an irrigation project.  Although a natural lake, Kachess Lake's capacity and discharge is controlled by Kachess Dam.

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