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Loon LakeOfficial guide to Loon Lake boat rentals and water sport activities on this nice reservoir.  It is a located in the El Dorado National Forest of El Dorado County, California.  Our premier rental services are offer at all lakes in California and equipment must be reserved in advance.  The lake is formed by Loon Lake Dam, completed in 1963 by Sacramento district to conserve spring snow melt runoff for use during the summer and autumn for hydroelectric power production.  Loon Lake Dam impounds water at the headwaters of Gerle Creek which, prior to the dam, flowed intermittently through Loon and Pleasant Lakes.  Most of the water now stored in Loon Lake Reservoir arrives from Buck Island Reservoir in the adjacent Rubicon River watershed by way of the Buck-Loon Tunnel.

Nearby is Loon Lake Chalet, a popular winter recreation destination which we also service.  In summer, a boat ramp for water sports and camping are available, but the area is less popular than nearby Union Valley Reservoir and Rubicon Trail.  Boaters still refer to the northeast portion of the reservoir as the Pleasant Lake Arm, the portion over the inundated Pleasant Lake.  Enjoy your summer activities with trips to this unique reservoir and others close by.

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