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Warm LakeInformation on Warm Lake boat rentals, jet ski, waverunners, and water sport adventures by Invert Sports.  This is a popular lake in Idaho for locals and tourist.  It is located 26 miles east of Cascade in Valley County, at 5,298 feet above sea level.  The lake's abundance of wildlife makes it very popular for camping, fishing, hiking, exploring, and hunting. 

Visitors typically have a chance of seeing moose, deer, bear, elk, eagles and osprey. There are two lodges at the lake, North Shore Lodge and Warm Lake Lodge.  The Warm Lake Lodge on the lake has been there since 1911.  Warm Lake is part of the Boise National Forest where you can enjoy wakeboarding, water skiing, kneeboarding, tubing, wakesurfing, wakeskating, fishing, and SUP's.

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